Tuesday 13 September 2016

Hiking Gatineau Park - Wolf Trail

I am the worst!! I haven't posted forever. We both just got so caught up in work and everything that we took a hiatus from hiking. Now that summer is over and we're back to reasonable schedules, we're hoping to get out for the next few weekends to see the leaves change colours, and embrace all the fresh air we can before our horrible Canadian winter hits.

This past weekend we decided to re-visit Wolf Trail in Gatineau Park, as the only other time we had gone, it was still early spring and there was quite a bit of snow on the ground. We decided to go the opposite way we had gone last time, ending with the Tawadina lookout, rather than starting with it. I feel it resulted in a lot more constant up-hill than looking at Tawadina first, but both ways are gorgeous.

I couldn't get over how much the landscape had changed since our last visit to this trail. The 8.3km was abundant in little streams and creeks last time, but this time there was barely any water!

Alex at the Tawadina Lookout

I seriously can't get enough of the Tawadina lookout. I love this trail especially because of both lookouts, and how peaceful the trail is. The distance of the trail almost ensures that you won't cross paths with many people and if you do it's only a brief moment before you're back on your own again. We did the 8.3km in about 2:15 again, pausing for a snack break at both lookouts. 

Never gets old

Shortly after you pass the Mahinigan lookout, you come across a clearing with a small pond. It's absolutely gorgeous.

This clearing is  a nice break from all the trees

Mahinigan Lookout

I'm running the Canadian Army Run Half Marathon this weekend so I doubt any hiking will get done, but fingers crossed we can get out the following weekend. Alex has been dying to do the Luskville Caves, maybe we'll go see them before it gets too cold.

What's your favourite fall trail?