Monday 18 April 2016

Hiking Gatineau Park - Wolf Trail

Sunday morning was gorgeous! It was almost 15 degrees celsius by mid morning. We got to the base of Wolf Trail (#62) around 10:30 a.m., there was still quite a bit of snow and a big sign stating conditions for hiking were dangerous and proper gear was recommended. We had our hikers on and somewhat regretted not bringing our hiking poles, but the group that started right before us consisted of people in jeans and flats so we figured we'd be fine. There were some dicey areas, with the snow melting and become slush, a few of the descents ended up being a "controlled" skid and my boot went through the snow a few times. Other than that the terrain was awesome, but very wet. I'm not sure what it's like in the summer or if there was just so much water because of the melting snow.

There were tons of streams and running water, quite a few parts of the trail consisted of crossing these streams on fallen logs or hopping rocks. At one point we actually had to maneuver down the side of a small waterfall!
Sitting atop the Tawadina Lookout

I seriously loved this trail though. Getting to the Tawadina lookout was my favourite part, we sat and had a snack on the rocks overlooking the fields. The Mahinigan lookout left a lot to be desired, though we did see some sort of prey-seeking bird soaring above the rocks and trees along the lookout.

 View from Mahinigan Lookout

View from Tawadina lookout

The trail was quite populated, I can only imagine how busy it is in the summer, even still, there were some points that we went 20 minutes without seeing anyone, and then other points where we passed clusters of people.
One of the many streams we passed

The trail was 8.3 km long, it's listed as moderate to difficult. The NCC page says it's about a 3 hour hike, we did it in 2.5 and stopped for a 10 minute snack break at Tawadina. A large part of the trail going P13 to Tawadina to Mahinigan to P13 was uphill. It was a lot of gradual ascents with some parts being quite steep. I found the trail slightly challenging but it's definitely a great one for us to practice on for Cape Chignecto I'd say!

My favourite photo!

This weekend we have the MS Walk, but we're planning to check out the Jack Pine trail in Ottawa.

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