Monday 30 May 2016

Recipe - Dehydrator Jerky

A few weeks ago, we picked up our first dehydrator to make our own backcountry meals. This coming weekend, Alex and I are heading up to Frontenac Park to complete the Slide Lake Loop. We decided to try making our own jerky for the trip. When we bought the dehydrator, we also picked up a mesquite jerky seasoning and cure to try with the meat.

We bought beef rouladen for our first attempt as it seemed to be the least fatty meat at the time. Everything I've read has said that you need the leanest cut of meat as the fat in the meat can turn the jerky rancid. I sliced the rouladen into fairly big strips as I knew it would shrink in the dehydrator. 

The hardest part was ensuring that we had the correct amount of cure and seasoning. I patted the meat dry and then sprinkled half of the cure mix over the meat. Next, I flipped the meat over and sprinkled the remaining cure on. I tossed the meat in a bowl to ensure that cure was evenly spread over all the meat. 

Next I stacked the meat in a tupperware, pressing the meat down to ensure it could cure properly. I saranwrapped the container and then put the lid on top. It cured in the fridge for 24 hours. Everything I have read also mentioned the risk of bacteria becoming heat resistant if raw meat is dehydrated without being pre-cooked. I baked the meat on a cookie sheet for 15 minutes at 215 degrees Farenheit to ensure the meat would be fully cooked .

Once out of the oven, I patted the meat dry and spread it over two trays in the dehydrator. I set the dehydrator at 155 degrees and let it work its magic for 4.5 hours.

The final delicious product! Since we aren't eating it until Saturday, put it in a Ziploc and then stored it in a container in the fridge. Our next dehydrator adventure will be mashed potato flakes and dehydrated chicken. I can't wait!

Have you ever made jerky?

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